Monday, March 22, 2010

What do you value more? Feet or your shoes??

For those who have visited recently, you are aware that they are in the process of paving the road that goes out of Chichi. They have been moving along pretty good on the work and progress is being made.

As I was coming through the area today, I was watching a lady that was walking along the side of the road. New asphalt had been laid down but it had not hardened yet. It was still fresh, had a strong smell to it and it still looked wet. This lady had a strong desire to get to the other side of the road.

Because of her desire, she took her shoes off and walked across the wet asphalt in her bare feet. When she finally reached the other side, she started trying to wipe her feet off in the grass but the bottoms of her feet were permanently black!! I felt bad for her but I am sure she thought about what she was doing before she did it.

I know I would have ruined a pair of shoes before I would have done that to my feet. It is just another example of how people value things differently. Cultures are different and cause people's actions to vary. It is possible that this lady only has one pair of shoes. She may value her shoes more than she does her skin.

Today, I did not see my shepherdess ladies. They tend 15 sheep near my house. I am slowly working my way into their circle in hopes of them inviting me to hang out with them. I do not have time for my own flock so I am hoping to play with theirs........or so I am hoping. I will keep you on my progress.

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