Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Busting Clinic in Chuguexa

As I was leaving the house this morning, Manuel pulled up to curb and we took off.  I had not seen him since I returned to Guatemala so we had a lot to catch up on. 

We stopped for Cesi and then headed to Chuguexa.

What a sight was waiting for us!!  The room was packed and the porch was full of patients!!  My heart jumped  :)  Several of the men helped us unload the truck and we quickly set up clinic.

During clinic it rained so hard, I could hardly hear the patients.  There was an unusual amount of thunder and it lasted for almost an hour.

We finished with 31 patients!  Ten of those were first time visits and fourteen were diabetics.

At this time, we have clinic in Chuguexa once a month.  We talked to Tomas about starting it twice a month and he totally agreed.  He said that he would be available to help us and that he thought it was a good idea. 

With more than 20 patients, I struggle with having enough time with each patient.  Diabetics need a lot of education and that takes time.  Add in the factors of translation from K'iche' to Spanish and my slow brain, I can quickly get behind. I also pray with each patient and feel that this is an important part of the ministry.

One young man brought his parents to the clinic today.  They are both diabetics and do not speak any Spanish.  He was so good with them and patiently translated everything for me.  When we finished and it was time to pray, he said to me, "I do not want to lie to you but we do not participate with any church."  I thanked him for being honest with me.  As he left the clinic, he was crying and said that he will bring his parents back in August. I hope that this month, he thinks about some of the things we talked about.

As we left the clinic, this was waiting for us.............

Not enough to build a snowman but enough to toss at Cesi and hear her squeal!!

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