Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Body Worlds in Guatemala City

Yesterday, our group had the opportunity to visit Body World in Guatemala City.  It is an exhibit about the human body that is making it's way around the world.  It was fascinating and I think everyone in our group enjoyed it. 

When we arrived, there were not many people ahead of us.  Kemmel, had made our reservations it was a good time to arrive. 

We know how complicated the human body is but really brought it to a new dimension.  I am just not sure how someone can not believe in God.

The exhibit was one that displayed bones, muscles, different organs.............knowing that your skin is your largest organ, this man holds his in his hands.

Truly amazing...........bones, muscles, nerves, electrical conduction.........all must function in unison to accomplish the task.

And all of it starts the brain.  My brain photo was not the best.

There was also an exhibit on smoking and the side effects that is causes.  You can see the damaged lungs on the cadaver's left side.

Health lung on the left and and one diagnosed with cancer on the right.  There were also cross samples of bone and leg tissue taken from a smoker to show how nicotine also affects other parts of the body.

What a machine.............

Two football players during a tackle.

After the exhibit we enjoyed lunch in the mall.  Most people opted for Burger King while a few others went for Chinese and Taco Bell.  I gave my fries away so save room for a DQ Blizzard.......carmel pecan.  Sarahbeth found her favorite yogurt place, which I was not familiar with. We took several photos of her there and the guy was amused! I love providing people with entertainment. I will post one of her when I get it.

It was a long day but a good one!


Mom said...

VERY interesting Sheri!!!!!!


Ahora soy un insaciable sexual masoquista por las petulantes que me difamaron de violador sexual masoquista por culpa de mis calumniadores desde el año de 1,992 hasta la fecha actual por la calumnia original de prevaricador donde todas me especulan sexualmente (soy obsoleto):

Peerme abnegado del coito por saturarme semblante por la eminente silueta dorsal de los exorbitantes pantalones de las obsequiosas de mi transversal lubricacion indumentaria de mi rudimentaria investidura a mi declinada fricción de un harapo por zarandearme extasiante por un prominente bate para convalecerme fidedigno de preservarme casto de la cobardía recíproca de calumniarme de violador sexual masoquista por mi dilema sexual con Guatemala. Merezco orgasmo necrofílico porque no soy victimario sexual sino que masoquista.

Jorge Vinicio Santos Gonzalez,
Documento de identificacion personal:
1999-01058-0101 Guatemala,
Cédula de Vecindad:
ORDEN: A-1, REGISTRO: 825,466,
Ciudadano de Guatemala de la América Central.