Friday, April 1, 2011

Gettin' things done!!

For two days I have been working on the next diabetic class. It is exciting but it also takes a lot of time and preparation. This will be the most difficult class in the series to teach because the idea of planing a diet is foreign to many people. Sometimes it is difficult for people to understand something if they have never been exposed to it before.

I have an example from the other day when the guys and I went to Xepol. I had a fear that the gas gauge was not working properly. The gauge registered full, yet I was able to put 300 of diesel in the tank. I thought the guys understood but I was wrong. As we were pulling out of the gas station, Juan asked me which gauge was for diesel and I showed him. They then started asking if the gauge should move and which way. I then realized, that they did not understand the principle of the gas gauge. They are very smart guys but they have never had to be concerned with how much diesel a truck had in it.

So, we will see how this class goes. It will probably be a large class so there will not be a lot of time for individual meal planning. This will be the downside of the class.

As I was eating dinner, Nakko poked his head in the door and thought that he was going to get some food. This is a lot of slurrpin' going on.

Tomorrow, we will have clinic in Lemoa. Almost another week is gone.......

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