Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Clinic in Mactzul VI

Several of us went to Mactzul VI today, for several activities.  Marcos and Martina had dental clinic, Manuel for dental cleanings, Cesar and Maury delivered water filter replacements, while Cecybel and I had medical clinic.

We had 5 medical patients and one patient for dental cleaning.

One lady, who is a regular patient talked more about her home life.  Sometimes, people find themselves in situations that they might not have control over and I think this is even more common in Guatemala.  People have very few resources.  This lady, does not have a home and is able to put all of her possessions in a blanket.  One week, she stays with one niece and the next week, she goes to the other niece.  She does not feel wanted or loved. 

For children in the ABC Program, their sponsors wanted to give a birthday gift. These children received a book of Bible Stories.  What a great gift it is and they loved it!

So, I talked to each of the children and parents about reading a short story to the family at night. The goal is to do this three times a week. This will encourage regular Bible study, improve reading skills and also help those in the family that can not read.  Everyone seemed excited with this idea!

Tomorrow, we will head to Zacualpa for clinic.

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