Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Clinic in Lemoa

We all met at Lemoa today for our clinic. Josefina and her team joined us. It was a good clinic of 15 patients even though we did not have any power. Marcos was not able to do fillings, only extractions. We were told that we would be without power for most of the day.

After most of the patients had left, Josefina asked me if I had my camera.......sure! I went outside with her and Marcos was blowing up balloons and playing with the kids. They decided that they did not like me very much even though I had a camara, so Josefina posed for me!

The little boys were still a little hesitant but then Marcos helped out!
And how tall can you stack balloons???
It was a good day. I went home and spent the rest of the day cleaning.

1 comment:

Kassi said...

These pictures made me smile! I miss everyone so much! Tell everyone I said hello :) I hope everything is going amazing!