Saturday, May 27, 2023

Meet Greysly, Our Newest Nurse

As many have heard, we have been looking for a physician to help us with mobile clinics.  We have been looking a long time.  I have sent out over 50 emails to people who have been down, previous MET students, and to any possible connection that I have. Kemmel, has sent out more emails than I have.  

We have had a few people come down for short stents and we appreciate that help a lot.

Clinics are now growing, due to having the hospital license, and I do not want to cut mobile clinics.

The HTI Board approved us of training Marta, who is primarily in the pharmacy now, to be trained by Dr. Lisa and to start doing some medical mobile clinics.  She has been seeing ladies during the PAP/ IVAA clinics and does very well.  Dr. Lisa will help expand her knowledge base and develop more in the clinical role.

Because of the responsibility that Marta has now, we have hired Greysly, a professional RN to help Marta. Greysly, has been working nights for us during the surgical clinics, for many years. She is an excellent nurse and I have a lot of confidence in her. She is very flexible and will learn this role quickly.

Here, Marta and Kevin reviewing pharmacy and orders that have been placed.

Welcome, Greysly. I hope that you love your new role with HTI and that you will serve with us for many years!

Expanding roles is a challenge and not a lot of people like change..........but to be effective, flexibility is essential.

I have asked Silva, Ada and Diego to start spending some time in the operating rooms. They were very open to it and I was pleased. This will increase their knowledge of the surgical instruments, where they are located and will also help with their English skills.

We are on a roll and I want to keep the momentum going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
