Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Marie and Sherry Visit

The history of Health Talents is rich and because of God's blessings, the ministry continues to grow. Thank you, Lord! May we always serve you, knowing that you will never fail us.

We have the opportunity to have Marie Agee with us for a few days.  The dreams of Health Talents began with Marie and she has written Mud on Your Own Boots, which documents the history of HTI through the years. Jodi is holding her book, here at Clinic Ezell............which holds much of the history and wonderful stories.

Before Marie arrived, she mentioned that she would like to do a few things. Kemmel was very kind to drive us around for the day.

We visited Chocola, where Health Talents originally served. We visited with Dr. Serio, who served for many years with Health Talents. It was special to be part of this reunion. Marie worked with Dr. Serio for many years, leading teams to Guatemala, as they provided surgical care, focusing on the Mayan population.

We then walked down the road, to visit another family that remembers Marie very well!  As you can see, they had prepared for her visit and had made "Welcome Marie!" signs.

As you can tell by the house, they work with bamboo and sections of their home is constructed with bamboo.  What a kind and generous family they are!

They made several gifts for Marie and also gave each of us something to remember the day.

What an influence that Marie has had on this community, different families in the area and the volunteers that have been coming down to Guatemala over the years.  The number is incalculable and continues to grow. 

When we left Chocola, we went to visit a physician.  His name is Dr. Zack and he has been associated with Health Talents for many years.  We visit him at his home and then he showed us his clinic area and it was very nice.

Health Talents has a program to help mothers with newborns with education and milk supplements.  Marie sponsors a young girl in the program and wanted to meet this child and her parents. 
This little girl was a princess and enjoyed playing very much, until the camera was out.  The photo below was one that he parents took before we met them in the dining hall.  What personality!

May be an image of 1 person, baby and smiling 
We also visit a chocolate farm, outside of Chicacao.  It was another adventure. Marie trying some of the cacao, fresh from the pod.

As we returned to town, we stopped in for some ice cream..............and of course, it was Saritas!
I think we all had the same......strawberry cheesecake, with chocolate syrup.  Sherry, with her portion.

Marie and Sherry's visit has passed quickly.......we accomplished a lot but do not be concerned, we left more to be done on their future trip!

I took Marie and Sherry to Antigua, where they had two more day to enjoy themselves.  I prayed for their safe travels and look forward to their next visit!

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