Wednesday, October 17, 2018

ABC Clinic in Chajbal

We all headed out for Chajbal this morning.  We really needed an ark to get there and I was thankful that the rain slowed down. It has rained hard since yesterday afternoon so I have been watching for the sun but as of yet, it continues to hide.

Manuel, Mike, Teresa and I headed down the highway.  Cesar was a little later since a trailer had got stuck on the main highway before Chichi.  He will have to wait until they clear it off the road before the traffic can pass.  Andrea met us there with her dental supplies.

We quickly unloaded the trucks and set up clinic. It was an ABC clinic for the communities of Chajbal and Pacaja Xesic.

We had 19 children from the ABC program and a few others that popped in. 

The ladies from the congregation brought us fried chicken, salad, rice and tortillas for our lunch. I think we devoured everything but the napkins.

All of the children were doing well.  I do not think that we saw anyone underweight or sick.  The children from Pacaja continue to impress me.  They all have a goal in mind and have a plan for their studies.  Someone from that area is really working with them.

Tomorrow, another day and another clinic.  As always, we pray for safe travels!

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