Thursday, April 27, 2023

Week with Katie and Two Weeks with Jodi

As I had mentioned in a previous post, Jodi is an RN who is going to stay for two weeks and help in the May GYN/ General week.

Here she is in the pharmacy prepping medications.

Keeping the medicines packaged for dental, medical mobile teams and for the clinics here three days a week is almost a full-time job.  People miss the "old days," when we use to sit around a table and chat for hours as we bagged medicine.  Now things need to be done in a different manner.

Katie is a NP that has been down several times and has helped in ABC Clinics in Chichicastenango. Today, she went to an area called Santa Clara and they had a busy clinic. She went with Jose Manuel and Diego.

During this week, we found out that we had received the lab license for the hospital.  We are a fully licensed hospital now!!  I asked Darling to announce it at our devotional on Wednesday. Of course, all celebrations need to have a special treat, so we made a cake run before the devo.
Everyone enjoys the cakes from this place in Chicacao.
In the photo above Silvia, Katie, Leslie, Victor and Marta.

When the cake was all gone, it was time to finish off the frosting.

Everyone was able to have a section of the plate. Jose Manuel was able to get the last section taken care of.  We had NO double dipping.......all was done on a sanitary basis.

One afternoon in Chicacao as we were out making a run.

Katie made a delicious dinner for us her last night! It was so good!
In the morning, Katie and I will drive to Antigua for the Spring HTI Board Meeting. It will be nice to see everyone again.

Jodi will remain at Ezell and help prepare for the surgical team that arrives next weekend.

This is a sunrise photo that Katie took.

I pray that everyone arrives in Antigua safely for the board meeting and the planning/ preparation for the surgical team goes well

Jodi, thank you again for staying these two weeks.

Katie, thank you for coning and helping with the medical mobile clinics.

You both are a blessing to everyone that knows you!

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