Monday, August 15, 2022

Andrea Gains Weight!

About a month ago, Doctora Martha and I were in Chicacao seing patients. It is a fairly new clinic and sometimes, we have fifty patients there.  For those who have been to Montellano, the clinic is held in Baldemar's home.  He is one of our evangelist and his family helps us with the clinic.

About a month ago, we met this very sweet girl. Her name is Andra and this is her grandmother.

The story, according to the grandmother is that the mother mother left Andrea at birth.  Yes, there have been stories and some blaming within the family, but I want to remain focused on Andrea and how she can improve.
She now is 4 months and has only gained one pound. She has only been receiving the water that rice is cooked with and water that is used to make tortillas. She is underweight but is full of energy!
This baby needs protein. We went to the pharmacy and got some milk and bottle.  Dra. Marta explained very well how the bottles need to be maintained, to prevent illness.  Hygiene is not something easy, if it is not taught well.

We called Luis and enrolled Andrea in a milk program.

Time has passed and in one month, Andrea has gained 2 pounds!

We will continue to monitor her monthly and see what happens.


Mom said...

What a wonderful story!!! She is soooo precious, no wonder you love her and what you do, daily!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Huge progress!