Thursday, April 12, 2018

Continuing in Lemoa

Several of us were in Lemoa today. We started our morning cleaning and then our team devotional.

Visiting Kemmel and Lisa, for about a month, is Kemmel's mom, Roberta.  It is good to have her with us again.  Gaspar talked about harmony within yourself and how it affects harmony within the workplace, church and community. If you are struggling within yourself, you are not likely to have harmony in other aspects of life.  So very true............

Kemmel was able to purchase some plastic diabetic teaching sheets for us.  We will hang them before each clinic.

It will help increase awareness of diabetes and also reinforce the teaching that we do during the consult.

Lisa, not too long ago had a diabetic patient that is only sixteen years old.  Today, I had a new diabetic patient that is only twenty-four.

One lady came in today with the complaint of a breast mass.  After I collected the history, I was helping her on the exam table and when I looked over at the neighbor, I noticed that she had a black bag. Often times, these black bags are filled with goodies. So I ask her if she has anything to show me and she already has had an ultrasound done!

The ultrasound showed a small mass that is suspicious of being malignant.  She is 42 years old, with two small children and she had not returned to the clinic since they told her that surgery would cost 7,000 Q.  The mas has grown quite a bit.  We all talked to her and told her what she needed to do on Friday.  I wrote out a reference for her so she could be seen at the national hospital.  We will see what happens.

Saturday, Kemmel and Roberta are going to drive Carol and I to Montellano for a surgical week.  I look forward to seeing everyone.  We pray that the team from the states arrives safely and that all of the patients do well next week.

Stay tuned..........I will keep you posted.


Mom said...

I am praying that the lady with the cancer will have it removed. Her children need her!!! So sad that so many of them do not understand, that they could be helped but they must put out some effort!

thanida said...

Thank you for the quick update, 
I learnt lots of things.
An amazing posts along with the niche posts.