Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Week in Three Minutes or Less

It is hard to believe that the week FLEW by!  Clinics were busy but the biggest challenge was to stay warm.

Monday, we had clinic in Lemoa and had a good group of patients.  Ana showed us the last photo of her baby.  Please pray for Ana as her nephew, 7 years old is dying of a brain tumor.  Such a very sad situation but she told me that it was ok if I asked for your prayers. I know that she and her family would appreciate it very much.

This patient, I followed through her pregnancy. She brought her daughter, Heidy in for me to meet today.  She is now two months old and is doing well.

On Tuesday, we competed with a local celebration and I think the celebration won.  We did have a few medical patients but Andrea saw two or three times the number that she usually sees in Chutzurob.  Way to go Andrea!

Wednesday, we had clinic in cold, cold Chueguexa.  We all had the shakes that day.  I gave Teresa my coat to put around her and Manuel gave her his hat.  When we saw all of the patients, we made some coffee to stay warm and waited to see if more patients would arrive.

I found this character on the ceiling of the area that we do clinic.  He was frozen stiff.

On Thursday, there was a little sun outside the clinic. When we went out to pray, as you can tell, our group found the sun.............then it was back into the cave! Really, it is not a cave but it is much cooler than being in the sun :)

A mother came to clinic on Thursday and she was concerned about her son.  Her son is a heavy drinker and she wants him to change.  Such a sad situation to be in when you know that some one needs to change but that person does not see it or is in denial.  This lady does not have a relationship with God so we talked about that too.  When we finished, I introduced her to Gaspar.  He was able to share more with her and at this time, is waiting to see if there is an invitation to visit the patient in her home.  We shall see..............................

1 comment:

Mom said...

I hope it warms up, SOON, for you!!!!!!