Sunday, January 7, 2018

Back in the Groove

I have been back in Guatemala for almost a week.  It was great to visit my parents, family, friends, South Fork and the Morganton congregations and yet it is always good to get back.  It is hard to describe, but living in two cultures can be a challenge.......and yet I enjoy it very much.  In either place, you miss and think about the other.  There are friends that I see just a few times a year but when I do, it is as we were together just yesterday. There are people who visit Guatemala just once a year and I look forward, very much to their next visit. Lisa and Kemmel are awesome to work with and are very supportive. I am very content in both worlds.

This photo was taken before I left my parents and I like it.  I will see them in February and we will go together to pick up my RV.  Yes, I made a purchase and I am excited to learn all about it.  I think that my parents are as excited as I am!

This morning, I worshiped with the Quiche congregation.  It was a wonderful time together.  There were many people and it was so good to hear enthusiastic hymns in Spanish. 

The message was about how God wants The Church to prosper and the importance of love and unity.  I have said many times that I do not think that there is any greater pain to God, as when there are problems in The Church. Well, retracting that statement, I think the worse pain was knowing he had to turn his back as Christ suffered and died for us.  So, division and problems may rank as second. 

Due later this month is my writing for Daybreak.  It is the daily Christian devotional that can be found on Facebook.  This month, I was assigned, "Church Crisis."  The thoughts will be taken from   I Corinthians, chapter 11. That will be published toward the end of February.

Speaking of February, I will be back in NC for a short time.  This year, as many know, I will be in The States a little more and looking for areas that are interested in hearing about Health Talents International.  We will be looking for medical people and others who would like to visit and participate in surgical and medical mobile clinics.  If you know of anyone who is interested, please let me know.

This year, may we love and serve others, in ways we never have before..............................

1 comment:

Mom said...

Very good, as always, Sheri !!!!!