Sunday, November 6, 2016

Busy Days with ABC

What a week it has been but we have been pleased with the results so far!  This week we will have served 10 communities  I am disappointed that all of my photos did not transfer well from my phone, but at least I have a few.

Every morning, we would gather in the parking lot to hear where we would be going.  Kemmel does a great job with organizing us.  Then we would pray for safe travels and that all would go well.

Debra, Melina, Aura and Julie are in the parking lot before we take off.

David, Manuel and Charlie showing us their muscles.  Manuel and Lesa were not sure if they wanted to join in or not.

When we arrived, we set up clinic and started! Lesa was great at doing the height and weight on all of the ABC Children.  This day in Chuchipaca, we saw 60 patients!

This is Esteban.  He is one of my ABC Children and it is good to see him do dental exams.  He told me that he will graduate next year and I look forward to attending that graduation.

Charlie, jumped in and did dental care for those that needed it.  Micaela assisted him through the week and Lesa offers her support.

This is Teresa's ABC Child, Everaldo.  He lives in Mactzul V and he had a great exam today.  He will graduate next year and he wants to be a chef!  Thank you Teresa, for supporting the ABC program!

We ended the night with dinner and a devotion.  Charlie led the devotion and talked about walking in the steps of Christ and serving.  He had some really good thoughts and we thank him for this.

Tomorrow, the group will leave in 3 separate  groups.  We pray that they have safe travels and hope that they will return.  They have touched hearts and lives in many ways this week.

Thank you!

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