Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday With Harding PA Students

I headed out with a group of  P.A. Students and Joe, P.A. to Saquilla.  We had a busy day with 17 regular patients and 22 ABC patients.

I remember Joe from several years ago, when he started working in the OR, in Montellano. His daughter, Melina, who is also on this trip studied to be a P.A. and then Joe followed in her foot-steps. This is Joe and Tomas at the beginning of the clinic and as we welcome patients.

The students prepare to take vital signs and see patients.  Holly, looking over a patient chart. Tim and Sierra are to her left, followed by Tomas and Lindsey.  Brenda is running around and keeping us all in line.

 Lindsey talking a blood pressure. 

 Sierra and Holly getting ready for their next patient.

Kemmel bought us some new flavors of drinks but they did not go over well with our promoters.  Aura tastes her first root beer and had a hard time swallowing it. She tried to share with the others but they did not enjoy it either. I heard others did like it so hopefully, it will not be wasted.

When we had a break, we ran across the street to buy some animal crackers. Yes, it is the small things in life that bring us true pleasure.

It was a very good clinic and everyone pitched in and worked hard.

Tomorrow is another day, another road and a lot of dust on our clothing!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hard to believe that someone would not like, rootbeer!!!!!! :)