Monday, January 16, 2023

Lab Update

The removal and rebuilding of the wall between the consult rooms is completed.  The equipment and materials are set in place.  Everyone is excited and looking forward to our first surgical clinic in March.  It will be an eye team and many patients will be served.

Darling, Marta and Dulce are setting things in place.  Darling, oversees all of the nursing areas.  Marta, primarily works with the pharmacy, ordering and maintaining inventory but also has other responsibilities.  Dulce, is working with us on the days that Pascual has classes.

Equipment is in place and ready to be used.

Kevin, is in the area that between the lab and where the patients will have their blood drawn. Kevin primarily works in the pharmacy, but always willing to do what is needed.

The time is ticking down and March approaches. When I was in the market the other day, a man with a dense cataract asked me when we would have surgeries again.  My heart soared, because the first time since I have returned, I have been able to give some real hope!  I said to him, "We will be doing eye surgeries in March.  Please come and see us next week for a consult!"  I hope to see him soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful news... Karen Sims