Friday, October 7, 2022

Updates on Clinical Ezell

Many changes have taken place on Clinica Ezell.

I have shared photos of some of the plants, trees and the wishing well.

Now we have a new friend, Kevin.

The guys have been cleaning around the hotel area and it takes a lot of work to maintain Clinic, soon to be Hospital Ezell.

Javier is  preparing the power washer to wash the water canals behind the hotel area.

 Lucas and Rigo also cleaning.  The area looks much better.
I think that when we are able to restart the surgical clinics, you will pleased with the way that the clinic has been maintained.  Everyone is working hard and looking forward to the day that they will be able to serve with you again!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Final Day in Chuchipaca

It was our final day of clinic and we are expecting a good number of children.

We all know that COVID had changed many things in life and part of those changes include education.  While we are thankful that some are able to study at home with some access to internet, it does not replace the need for in-class learning.  The majority of  students in the ABC Program are only going to school one day a week.  Some are fortunate and are able to go two.  

One thing that I have noticed for the few days is the level of frustration, with both the children and parents.  The children want to return to school and see their friends.  We continue to hope that in the near future, that this becomes a reality again.

Many know is a community that we have been in a long time. It was good to see people that I have not seen for several years.

I was able to see Rosa, one of my ABC Children.  She is doing well and is part of a very small community.  For this reason. Rosa is able to go to classes 5 days a week.  She continues to study hard and told me that she wants to be a nurse one day.  I would like for that to happen.  I can retire and she can take my job!  We shall see what happens.
We enjoyed our last dinner in Chichicastenango tonight.
Tomorrow, we will have breakfast and worship together.  Everyone will enjoy the market and then we will head to Guatemala City for the night before the flight home.
Kemmel and Lisa will be heading to The States for a month.  They will be touring around, visiting congregations, seeing family and also attending the HTI Board Meeting.

I hope that everyone had a good experience and will return to serve with us again.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Clinic in Mactzul V

It was off and running again this morning after breakfast.  

A group of us headed out to Mactzul V.  We had patients waiting as we quickly set up clinic.

We are primarily here to see children who are in the ABC Program but we will not turn others away.

We had four health care providers today.

Anna is a professional nurse, who has worked for Health Talents for several years. We are fortunate that she is able to speak Spanish and K'iche'.

This is Dr. Ron's first time with us and we hope that he returns again.
Also with us was Mendy. Mendy graduated a few years ago from the Harding Nurse Practitioner Program.  I always love having that group come down.  They are always so well prepared.
Also with us was Dr. Charlie from Hennessy, Oklahoma and Jason translated for him.
It was a good day and uneventful.  The roads were clear for us and we had no troubles with the travel.
Tomorrow, will be our third day of clinic.  
The week passes so quickly.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Chichicastenango Jornada!

This was a day that I have been waiting for!!

I returned from The States on September 21 and then traveled to Montellano to get back in the swing.

Within a few days, it was time to go to the airport to get a group that always comes down in September to help us with our ABC Clinics.  It is usually a small group, which makes logistics easier. They are also an energetic group, so they accomplish the work well.

Having a group like this, is another step in getting back to pre-covid days and it is very warming. Yes, we continue to be careful and wear masks but we are able to enjoy each other's company again.  We can eat together, laugh and hug. It was so good to see everyone!

We have three days of clinic lined up........and this is where it begins for the team.  Kemmel, introducing the Guatemalan staff to everyone and giving us the plan for the day.

We headed out in two directions. One group went to Clinica Caris and the remainder of us went to Paxot III.

Before long, we were setting up and seeing patients. Mike started checking children in and doing vital signs.
The consults were started. Sometimes the communication can be a challenge, going from English to Spanish and then to Kiche..........but is is very helpful to have a tri-lingual interpreter. Mendy seeing patients with her translator.

Dental was busy as usual too.  Dr. Haller and Julie have been a team for years.  This is Dr. Haller's 51st trip to Guatemala!  What an accomplishment!
 Dr. Anna is with us again.  She is Lisa's sister and it is good to see her and Dr. Charlie with us.

Bode cleaned dental instruments and keep everything in circulation.
When we finished for the day, it was back to the hotel for dinner and a devotional.  Gracias a Dios for a wonderful, safe day!

Saturday, September 24, 2022


When I was in the states, we celebrated my parents 65th wedding anniversary.  Not many can claim that milestone in life. I am happy for them!! I am also grateful for being raised in a Christian home and for the examples that they have been for me.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, MOM AND DAD!! May you continue to celebrate!!


Friday, September 23, 2022

Need for Sun and Sand!!

My desire for sun and sand has been growing for a couple of years now.  I was hesitant to fly with the whole pandemic issue and not enjoying having my nariz invaded by a cotton swab. Even though I continue to be careful, there was burning need for blue water.

Therefore, mom and I headed to Punta Sam for about a week.

 We had been warned about being kidnapped, so I asked mom to give me her best kidnapped face.
Of course, if it had happened, this would NOT have been, I am thankful.

We stayed at a nice resort and it was very pretty at night.
It was on the ocean and convenient.
There were different patios with pools and furniture.
Our room had a balcony with a private hammock.
There was a toy island that we were able to swim to.  We climbed up on it but some guys did not like that.......never understood why, since I had seen many others out on it. When he continued to blow his whistle, I just claimed I did not understand whistle language.

We went down the beach in search for ceviche and we found was soooooo good.  They had more hammocks and trees to enjoy.
The best thing about an adventure ending.......there is now time to begin to plan the next one!! I am sure it will also involve blue water and sand!!


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

So, How fast do Mushrooms Grow??

 Our guys have several projects going on.  

A few weeks ago, they were shaving coconuts and making coconut oil.  

Now, they have been growing oyster mushrooms.  While it takes several weeks to six months to grow some types of mushrooms, this can grow in only fourteen days!

So, this was one growth that had started.

This is a side view.

Oyster mushrooms are high in protein.  One ounce has 3 grams of protein, 28 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates.  

Oscar and Obdulio brought this out one morning and this is what it looked like the next day!!

You can see how quickly they have grown.

That afternoon, we enjoyed mushroom tacos. Our guy can not only grow, they can cook!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Meting With MAGA and Learning About Oyster Mushrooms

Today, we met with MAGA and spent a couple of hours with them.  For those that do not know, they are the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food. There were about seven from that organization with Kemmel, Obdulio, Oscar and me.

MAGA started working with Health Talents in 2014 and in the last two years they have become more active.  For those who have been here before, the side of land, near the apartments has been used for cultivating plants.

Lots of new trees and plants have been added to Clinic Ezell.  There are now 4,000 types of plants and more will be added in the future.  We will have more fruit trees, medicinal plants and bambu.

This is one of the trees that was planted in the hotel area.

The guys enjoy this work, even though the heat makes some days difficult. In the background, you can see the new bio-hazard building.

 Another addition was our own wishing well. It is behind the hospital area.

A closer look, will let you see that it was made it three tires.........creative.

 Next, I will share with you the mushroom project.

Monday, August 22, 2022

A Day in the Samayac Clinic

Every day is different for me and that is good.  I do not want to run the risk of being bored.  That is not a pleasant event.

I have the opportunity to go out into the clinics and help the promoters, when there is a need. I enjoy getting out and getting to know these communities.  There is a lot of difference between living here and in Chichicastenango and I am learning to appreciate both cultures.

This clinic, is in a community called Rio Bravo.  We have this clinic twice a month on Mondays.  This is Elmer and he is welcoming the patients and sharing some thoughts with them before we start clinic. Elmer, is one of our three evangelists and he has been with us for several years.

Jose is a promoter that has been with Health Talents for many years. He has worked in a few roles here and does a very good job.  Now, he travels every day with Dr. Walter and checks patients into the clinic.

Berta works in the pharmacy. Her mother, Dina, worked for Health Talents for many years in clinics. I have attempted to get Dina to fill in some but have not been very successful. Maybe one day, my luck will change. Berta is in nursing school and seems to be doing real well. She is very attentive and helpful.

When we finish clinic early, we return to Montellano to help in another role.  There is always something to be done.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Another Birthday

For some, birthdays are a day special.  For me, it is another day of work but my partners-in-non-crime, made it a special day.  

We went to clinic and I was gifted Diet Coke and ceviche, for my morning break. Then at lunch, we had a wonderful creamed chicken, rice and broccoli.  Nothing could be better.  

When we arrived back at the clinic in Montellano, I was called to the dining room and surprised with a cake and music. There were several employees there, with a cake and candles.  Only two candles, not enough to cause a fire disaster and I appreciate that!


Then the photos started.......I had dodged the original cake that was meant for my nose, so felt that I deserved some for all of those that we have surprised in the past! Many know Silvia Neomi, who is a nurse here in Montellano.


Then a photo with Dra. Martha Ana.  She lived in Pacaja Xesic, studied medicine in the capital and now lives in Montellano.

Two more well known staff are Marta and Dra. Nidian Patricia.  Marta is a nurse, who works for Health Talents three days a week and Dra. Nidian comes for two days a week to help with Pap and IVAA screenings.

Many know that I do not do well well having my photo taken but I was very appreciative for their thoughts, wishes and kind words through the day. Yes, it was a HUGE piece of cake and I tried to give parts away.....but was threatened, so I had to do it on the sly! It is good to be back in Guatemala and they remind me of this daily.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Andrea Gains Weight!

About a month ago, Doctora Martha and I were in Chicacao seing patients. It is a fairly new clinic and sometimes, we have fifty patients there.  For those who have been to Montellano, the clinic is held in Baldemar's home.  He is one of our evangelist and his family helps us with the clinic.

About a month ago, we met this very sweet girl. Her name is Andra and this is her grandmother.

The story, according to the grandmother is that the mother mother left Andrea at birth.  Yes, there have been stories and some blaming within the family, but I want to remain focused on Andrea and how she can improve.
She now is 4 months and has only gained one pound. She has only been receiving the water that rice is cooked with and water that is used to make tortillas. She is underweight but is full of energy!
This baby needs protein. We went to the pharmacy and got some milk and bottle.  Dra. Marta explained very well how the bottles need to be maintained, to prevent illness.  Hygiene is not something easy, if it is not taught well.

We called Luis and enrolled Andrea in a milk program.

Time has passed and in one month, Andrea has gained 2 pounds!

We will continue to monitor her monthly and see what happens.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Mandatory Fire Ed for Hospital

The other day, we completed another step in becoming a level one hospital.  Fired Education and Safety is common in The States but it is the first time that I have seen it done here.  In this setting, we actually were able to put out fires, that in my opinion, were not safely created............but I am no expert and we had a good time!!

We started with class.

The guy seemed to be knowledgeable. 

Then it was time to go outside to play.

So Rigo was the first up..........look at that perfect body form and stance! I gave him a  #10!!

Then dental had a few chances and I was very impressed with their coolness. They just walked up to the fire and sprayed away.  This is Valentine. He is the only male in the dental area so he is probably use to putting out fires.........just kidding!!  Cool and calm!

Then Naby, with the same composure.............had everything under control.

Darling started the nursing section off and she started out with composure...........

But after that, it was pretty funny.  Javier was up and as you can see, Darling and Marta were cheering him on. 

It was Kevin's turn.  He  ran in and was ready to save the day!

When it was time for more fire........Oscar saturated the smoking barrel and the teacher tosses in a match! Poof!!

The teacher announced that our fire extinguishers were empty, there was a fire and we needed to react quickly!  Javier, with his long legs, takes off running for the extinguisher in the maintenance area.  Kevin dashes for the extinguisher in the dining hall............the applauding and screaming keeps the guys motivated in their Kevin returns first! Darling directing him as he passes her.

Yes, it was a good class and it gave every person a chance for hands on.  I think it was a good practice and yet I pray, that we never have to do it for real.