Thursday, August 18, 2022

Another Birthday

For some, birthdays are a day special.  For me, it is another day of work but my partners-in-non-crime, made it a special day.  

We went to clinic and I was gifted Diet Coke and ceviche, for my morning break. Then at lunch, we had a wonderful creamed chicken, rice and broccoli.  Nothing could be better.  

When we arrived back at the clinic in Montellano, I was called to the dining room and surprised with a cake and music. There were several employees there, with a cake and candles.  Only two candles, not enough to cause a fire disaster and I appreciate that!


Then the photos started.......I had dodged the original cake that was meant for my nose, so felt that I deserved some for all of those that we have surprised in the past! Many know Silvia Neomi, who is a nurse here in Montellano.


Then a photo with Dra. Martha Ana.  She lived in Pacaja Xesic, studied medicine in the capital and now lives in Montellano.

Two more well known staff are Marta and Dra. Nidian Patricia.  Marta is a nurse, who works for Health Talents three days a week and Dra. Nidian comes for two days a week to help with Pap and IVAA screenings.

Many know that I do not do well well having my photo taken but I was very appreciative for their thoughts, wishes and kind words through the day. Yes, it was a HUGE piece of cake and I tried to give parts away.....but was threatened, so I had to do it on the sly! It is good to be back in Guatemala and they remind me of this daily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad they did something special......even tho you hoped they wouldn't!!Happy Birthday!!