Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 Begins!

I have returned to Guatemala.  There were some disruptions in the travel due to mechanical issues in Charlotte.  I spent the night after waiting six hours for the flight.  I was assured that my luggage would be sent with me to Miami but it was sent to Dallas.  Even with these events, I know that others have had more troubles traveling than I had, so I am thankful.

Finally arrived in Guatemala City and spent the night before going to Antigua.  It was a beautiful evening on January,1, 2023.

Arrived to the clinic around 2pm on Monday.

I feel like the world knows that we are in the process of obtaining the hospital license for the clinic. It is hard to explain how we have arrived at this point, but here we are.

Now, we are required to have a full laboratory onsite, so that is what we will do.

This is a storage area behind a consult room, that will be transitioned into a laboratory.

Kemmel researched and purchased the necessary equipment.  Our guys transformed the area over the Christmas vacation.


This was the consult area, transitioned to a lab.

We did receive notice that we now have someone that will help with the licensing.  He will be here on Friday and we will see what his suggestions are so we will be able to move forward with the process. 








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