Monday, January 23, 2023

Baptisms in Chocola

This afternoon, I went with Luis and Evelyn to Chocola for their worship service and for four baptisms.  Again, for those who have been coming down to Guatemala for many years, Chocola is the community where the previous clinic was before Montellano.

It was a nice day and very warm.

There were 4 young men who had reached a point in their lives that they wanted to be baptized.  After the worship service we all made our way to a public pool.

The park was very pretty.

Before the baptisms we sang some songs. Rigoberto, is to the far left and he works with us.  His son is Nehemias, in the navy blue shirt.  Then, Martin, George, Luis and Eva.  Eva also works with us and George is her son.
Nehemias'  baptism.
Martin was next.
George following. 
Last was Martin. 
It was a wonderful day!
There was another baptism this evening in Chicacao and I will share that information later. It was the brother of Rafael, who is one of our guards. Many have been praying for Rafael's brother because of his health, he has also made the decision that he wants to follow Christ.


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