Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Remembering Our Brother Pedro

On Monday afternoon, we had a baby shower for Evelyn, that works in dental.  What an exciting time it is to celebrate a birth and the addition to a family.  Two days later, we were celebrating the life of our Hermano Pedro.

Many will remember Pedro, who worked at the gate of the clinic for many, many years. He was very active in the church, in his community and a dedicated employee.

We cancelled our afternoon devotional so people could go to Chicacao and visit with the family and church.  When we arrived, the procession was in the street and walking for the cemetery. 
The ambulance led the way for about a thirty minute walk.
Following the ambulance was the funeral home car, with the casket.
During this walk, I kept thinking about a post I saw last year called, "We are walking each other home." This walk today, reflects just this.  One day, we will all make this trip.....the one that we are accompanying our brother on today. Today, this phrase had a new meaning to me.  Through my years here in Guatemala, I can not say how many times, I have walked someone home. It is a walk that we all will make.
When we arrived at the cemetery, the guys took the casket and carried it the remainder of the way.  Luis, is part of the congregation so he helped with the casket.  Luis is in the front and works with the ABC Program.
Jayro, one of our health promoters, was in the front on the right side.

When we arrived, Baldemar shared some thoughts about Pedro and how he was a very humble man. He talked about how Pedro is now at peace and resting.  He encouraged others, that if they did not know Christ, to not wait another day.
We do not know what tomorrow will hold, but we must remain faithful......until we make that final walk home.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry and will pray for all who knew Pedro. Love you Sherri!
Karen Sims

Anonymous said...

I remember Pedro,his smile was contagious! He was the keeper of the gate when Dave and I worked at the clinic. My prayers are for the family.

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias por compartir, querida Sheri. ¡Que hermosa narrativa!. Los recuerdos de nuestro hermano Pedro (Pedrito, como le llamamos cariñosamente), estarán con nosotros siempre hasta que nos volvamos a ver y reunir en el cielo. Orando por toda la familia e iglesia por consuelo y fortaleza. ¡Un fuerte abrazo!💞

Anonymous said...

He was one of the kindest men I have ever known. Had known him for many years. 💐