Friday, March 10, 2023

Dr. Stan and Donna Sizemore

A few months ago, I started contacting some physicians that I thought may be able to help us with some of our mobile clinics.  Dr. Stan and Donna. at one time lived and worked near Xela so I was beyond thrilled when they told me that they would be available to help us for three weeks!

The three weeks have flown by and I have enjoyed spending time with them.  The other day, we went to a restaurant near the clinic and had lunch. It was very pretty and we enjoyed it.

We found a photo op!

Thank you for your hard work during these three weeks. They were able to enjoy a slower week in Montellano, the week of the eye surgical clinic and also the week of a wheelchair clinic with Faith in Practice.

Thank you Stan, for traveling with Jose Manuel and Diego to various clinics.  Thank you Donna, for your encouragement.  The landscapers truly enjoyed their time with you, as you worked side-by side, swinging that machete and not perspiring!!

You guys have an open invitation to visit and do clinics with us at any time!

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