Saturday, March 25, 2023

Activity After the Eye Surgical Team

Yesterday, I received an email from Dr. Walter.  It was an update on the post-op visits of the patients we saw last week in the surgical eye clinic.

Sixty-one patients were seen and all are doing well. There were no complications, for any of them.

Since I have been working with Health Talents, many have asked me during the years, why Health Talents is better or how do they function differently than other organizations.  

What happened today, is a perfect example that I want to share with you. Before you join a team or donate to an organization, it is good to know their philosophy and how they run with donated funds.

A few months ago a friend shared with me that she had gone with a different organization and she was uncomfortable how the patients were approached. Before they could receive any care, they needed to pray a certain prayer to be treated. She said to me, "A mother will pray any prayer you give her, just to have her child taken care of."

There are times to share the gospel and there are times that first, you you need to care for the patient. Knowing how to share the love of God, is just as important as the message itself.  If a patient is unable to breath or starving, that moment is not the time to quote scripture.

Last week, we were able to help sixty-one patients with their vision.  We made a connection with them, and now, it is time to see if they are open to the gospel. Before surgery, many had difficulties walking. Many could not see more than a few feet.  Many were unable to read due to poor vision.  They all returned for their visit on Friday and then today, several returned to hear more about the Bible.

Baldemar sent this photo to me today. It is a group of people, who have gained trust in Health Talents and then returned to hear more about the Bible.

They all have Bible materials to study and an open invitation to return if they have more questions. Our three evangelists will follow up with those wanting to study more.
It is all about service and love.
The patients want to thank all of the physicians, nurses and caregivers, who made the week possible.  And even more important, let's give thanks to God.  Gracias a Dios.

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