Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What Would Cause You More Fear??

Yesterday, we were in Saquilla and we had a good number of patients.  About the third patient that came in for a consult was pregnant.  With her, was her mom, husband and midwife.  We went through the usual consult and then I had her get on the exam bed............she started having contractions!  I asked the midwife if her water had broke and she told me that it had not.  Because of that, and this only being her second child, not her eighth, I thought that we had a little time left.

I asked where they lived and they told me up the mountain.  She had walked all the way down having contractions.

I got really nervous when she grabbed her midwife's hand said, "Help me!" The midwife told her to squeeze her hard and to start blowing.  Now, I could have done that!

So when things got under control again, I told them that Manuel could drive them home but I would rather they go to the hospital or health department.  They did not like that idea but agreed that Manuel could drive them up the mountain.

The next day, we had to take the long way to clinic since this trailer had not been able to make the turn and had blocked the road.  So, it took us an extra 90 minutes to get to clinic. 

With with this blocking the main highway, all of the traffic needs to take the back roads.  We have had a little rain so now we have less dust.  We needed the little rain that we received but with all of the trucks, buses, min vans and motorcycles taking these roads, we now have mud.

I can assure you that the thought of a patient giving birth on our exam table makes me much more nervous that being on these muddy back roads with crazy drivers.

Just to let you know, once that Manuel drove them to the house and returned to clinic, he received a call from the family.  They were now nervous and wanted to go to the health department.  Yes, Manuel drove back up the mountain to pick them up and take them to the health department. I will update you as soon as I hear anything.

1 comment:

Mom said...

It is so sad how no one wants to go to the hospital!!!!