Sunday, March 31, 2019

Eleven Years in Santa Cruz

Recently, I marked my eleventh year here in Guatemala.  The time has flown quickly and so much has changed. I began worshipping with this congregation in Santa Cruz when I lived only three blocks from here. People have always been very friendly and welcoming. Even though I lived in Santa Cruz for only two years, I continue to return on Sundays.

When I first moved here, the morning worship was very small.  We would have only eight to twelve people.  Now, there are usually fifty people in the morning and the evening service is packed. This morning, there were a few over fifty and a children's class upstairs.

With it being an early morning service, it gives me the advantage to have the rest of the day to prepare for clinic, do laundry, clean and go to market.

It has been a wonderful eleven years!

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