Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday at Clinica Ezell

On Thursday morning Amilia and Anastacia were on their way home. I do not think that the parents wanted to leave the clinic but it was time. We were not pushed for the bed space so they were allowed to stay an extra day. Even though we have talked to them alot about what to expect, I am sure that they are nervous and unsure of the healing process.

Amilia and her parents before they left the clinic.

I talked to the parents a lot about the swelling and discoloration and that it will just take time to heal. I think Amilia is going to be very pretty.

Anastacia's mom started using the stroller when Wilmer left. She does not speak a lot of Spanish but it was obvious that she enjoyed being at the clinic and meeting everyone.

Amilia was the last of our babies done. I am not sure if I had mentioned it but her dad also needs his palate repaired. We talked to him about getting that done but he made it clear that he wanted Amilia taken care of first. Maybe we can get that done for him in August.

The babies will have follow-up visits next Thursday in Lemoa. I am looking forward to seeing their progress.

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