Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ultrasound accomplished!!

I had to wake my neighbors this morning since I wanted to leave at 0730. I do not understand why people park their vehicles in front of the garage........all I can say is it is a Guatemalan habit.

I met Juan at 0800 to go to the hospital. The family called and told him they were running behind. I knew it was another cold morning when I saw Juan in his gloves and jacket.

The hospital would only let one of us enter since it was not the regular visitation time. One of the sons went in and got his mother and then we drove to the ultrasound office. This whole process is still foreign to me but little by little, "poco a poco" I will learn to understand.

We waited for about 45 minutes as another patient had her exam and then it was Petronila's turn. She was finished in about 15 minutes. We returned to the hospital and her son walked her back in. The other son wanted to buy Juan and I a Coke so we walked to the little store near the hospital.

I visited my little neighbor this afternoon. She is having problems with circulation and had a prescription for some medicine. Today I was able to take the medicine to her. As I left, she filled my backpack with eggs, onions and tomatoes. She asked me if I cooked and I told her not much......I did not admit to her how long my tank of gas for my stove lasted. She would just laugh as me.

Well, Abilene Christian University is here and they will have clinics with us for the next week. We are thankful that they have arrived safely. We will have some clinics in areas that we do not go to regularly. Tomorrow, we will have clinic in Chinique where we once had clinic with the Pat Hile group. It was a good experience and I pray that tomorrow will be the same.

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