Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Emily and Brittany meet Mactzul III

I picked up Emily and Brittany and then we drove to pick up Gaspar and Juan. I was disappointed in the clinic today due to not many patients. We did not hear of any special events which often prevents us from having patients but there have been more free clinics in the area.

Brittany offered to take vital signs so she is checking this lady in before her consult.

These ladies prepared our lunch. We walked over to visit and I took them some photos that I had printed for them. Our lunch consisted of fried chicken, salad, rice, tortillas and a lemon drink.
Emily has some new friends. Francisca is the older girl and the students from ACU will remember her. Her face continues to heal and she seems much happier.

You can't find any child more precious.

After clinic I needed to go to Santa Cruz to print more photos. Emily and Brittany went along for the ride. We got the photos done and enjoyed some icecream.........delicious.........a trip to Guatemala without visiting Sarita's would be a sad trip.

Tomorrow we will leave Chichi at 0530 to arrive in Chuisiquel around 0830. We will take two trucks and some church members from this area. We should have a great clinic.

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