Tuesday, December 4, 2018

New Clinic in Saquilla

Last Tuesday, we moved our clinic in Saquilla to another location.  It is a little closer to Chichicastenango but still is a great spot to attract many patients.  So, we took down the sign from the other spot and hung it here.

As I was putting the exam table up, I noticed that a couple of pieces had fallen out.  I walked across the street to a hardware store and explained what I needed. He gave me a couple of pieces to try and one was perfect!  When I asked for two of them and the price, he told me to forget it.  I told him that I did not want him to lose money and he told me it was for a good cause!   Now, I know that he did not lose a lot of money on these two parts but it is the principle and his kindness.  I can not see this scenario happening in a hardware store in the states. I really appreciate his help and so does our patients.

Our first day in the clinic, I only had three patients.  Today, I had fifteen.  I hope that this clinic continues to grow and do well. I had one pregnant lady, several diabetics, some with general aches and pains and one child with epilepsy.

Last week, I had a young girl who has problems with her nerves.  She was very jumpy and could not sleep. When I asked her mom what she thought about her daughter, she replied, "I think she has an evil spirit."  When the mother told me this, I spoke to the young girl and tried to reassure her that this was not the case. I was hoping that she would return today but she did not.....maybe I will see her again next week.

This was my view during they day from the consult room.  Very, very pretty...............looking like a Carolina Blue afternoon!

When we finished clinic, I stopped an had dinner with Carol.  We are getting ready to wind down activities for the years.............almost time to head to North Carolina.

Tomorrow, I will be in Chuchipaca for an ABC program. It will be good to see many that I know and see how they are finishing out the year.  Hope to get some good photos.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am praying for that young girl,,,what a terrible thing to tell your daughter!!! Soooo sad!!!!