Thursday, October 17, 2013

Another Devo Writing for Daybrak

Psalm 23:6
When David penned the words in Psalms 23:6, he did not voice doubt.  It was not a question.  He was not insecure......he knew and  was confident and he would dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  

The dwelling place or the house of the Lord is eternal.  Christ tells us that he is building this place at this moment.  As you are reading this devotional, Christ is preparing this place.  He tells us this in John 14:1-4, so that we will not be worried.  So, we will not have any doubts.  We can be just as sure as David was.  

This place of God is not here on this earth.  It will not be destroyed, as time as this earth is being destroyed.  It will not have flaws, as this earth contains.

We also need to remember that not everyone, who believes in God, will be allowed to enter His dwelling.  As sad and as tragic as it is, we are warned about this in Matthew 7:21-23.  Our commitment to God must be a daily renewal.  Only acknowledging that Christ is Lord does not secure our eternal life.  We need a committed relationship with him. We need to be His child.  We can’t write the rules as we walk through life. Only by following His word, can we be sure of our eternal life with him.

Let us study and daily, recommit our life so that our home in His dwelling place will be secure. If we are faithful to the end, we have the promise of dwelling in the house of the Lord forever as David had.

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