Monday, April 7, 2008

Safe in Antigua

I bounced out of bed early this morning ready for a full day!! First, I was headed to Chuchipaca to check on a patient and then to Antigua. As I was preparing to leave the house, I heard my phone ring. I could hear my parents talking but they could not hear me. I returned their call and found out that my grandmother had become ill and is now in the hospital. She is losing alot of blood and they will do some examines to find the cause. My parents will keep me posted.

I drove to Chuchipaca to check the blood pressure of our patient there. On Saturday, her blood pressure was 210/110 and she had alot of fluid in her feet. Today she told me that she felt much better and her pressure was 140/90. Her feet were less swollen and I was encouraged!! There still is some room for improvement but I feel she will return to clinic and we can talk some more. Sometimes patients say they will return and do not. She knew that today I made a special trip to see her and she feels better. This is a step in the right direction.

When I left Chuchipaca, I heard an odd noise in the truck I had never heard before. Then the truck started pulling slightly to the left..........I drove slower........then the noise started bumping in the steering column.......hmmmmm, I thought, I can make it back to Chichi and will have to make different arrangements for Antigua....then it sounded like the whole front-end was going to fall out......I decided to pull over.......and then there was a strong pull to the right. OK, I know when I am beat or in over my, who do I call for help?!?! Kemmel!! He sent Manuel and a mechanic to save me. We swapped keys so I was able to continue to Antigua.

My trip to Antigua was important because Mary, a friend of mine fell, broke her back and fractured some ribs. I wanted to see how she is doing. She had been visiting Panajachel with her son from the States and fell 10 feet backwards from a wall. She is doing as well as can be expected but anticipates a full 8 weeks of bedrest. For Mary, this will be very difficult but she understands the imporatance.

I also needed to make transportation reservations in Antigua for Jackie, who is going to be spending a few days with us in the highlands.

Sooooo, I am in Antigua safe, the truck has been repaired, Mary is in bed resting, reservations have been made and Grandma has received some blood and is in good spirits! God again has been faithful in answering prayer for safety and comfort. I will head back to Quiche tomorrow morning.

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