Saturday, July 23, 2022

A Day of Thanksgiving for Health Talents

 It is common in Guatemala to have several "Thanksgivings" a year.  These are something that I look forward to, since Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday.

Here, Thanksgivings are called Accion de Gracias.  It can be a day to celebrate a birthday, the construction of a room or building, the birth of a baby or a celebration of a person's life.

Today, Marco talked about his early start with Health Talents and how things have changed over the, almost fifty years. Yes, there has been a lot of changes and Health Talents continues to be blessed, even as we struggle for the hospital license.

One change this week was with Marco and his attire. On Sunday, he preached in a full suit and tie.

As many know, it is HOT here in Montellano, so by Friday, Marco had changed his attire.

 Marco is a very good teacher and the class was interesting.

Kemmel shared with us the numbers of patients that we have been able to serve, even without the surgical teams.  Clinics are continuing to go well and there have been baptisms in different areas.

Before lunch, a group photo of all the Health Talents Employees was taken.

It was the end of a busy week but a very good week...................and we are thankful!!

1 comment:

Alice Bush said...

So much is happening and it is all good! Praise the Lord!