Saturday, August 10, 2013

Clinic in Mactzul Toto

Jodi and I met Manuel as we headed to Mactzul Toto.  This was my first time to this clinic and I enjoyed it.

Jesus, is the gentleman than owns the house where we have clinic.  When we arrived, there were not any patients but we set up and waited.

There were several children that met us.  We walked up to the house and the children started playing a game with us.  Jodi and I had no idea what the game was but we quickly learned.  We walked around in a circle,  sang and kicked up our heels.  We entertained the children as they entertained us!

Jodi with a few of the children.

Then, we had a few patients arrive.

We had a few children that are significantly underweight.  I gave them medicine and vitamins.  I asked the mother to please bring them back next month.  She had taken them to the health dept. a few months ago but never followed-up there.  I hope she will return for the next clinic.

After we saw about nine patients, we sat on the porch and had coffee and bread.  It was a good day and a good clinic.

I look forward to going back to Mactzul Toto.

Tomorrow, Jodi and I will head to Antigua.  We will worship with the church there and then she will return to the States on Monday.  We will pray that she has safe travels and will be able to return next year.  I know Gabriela would enjoy seeing her again!   :)

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