Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Clinic in Chutzurob

Today, we had clinic in Chutzurob.  We had 14 medical patients and several of them were new.

I had the opportunity to tell Gloria, one lady that always helps us with our clinics, that she is pregnant. She and her sister, Angelica, were really excited.

After clinic, I had lunch with Lisa and Kemmel.  We do not get together very often so when we do it is nice.  We chatted about clinics, classes and things that we would like to accomplish in the communities.

Then the afternoon rains fell................I made it home just in time.

Chichi has a NEW Chicken place.......I knew you would want to know!  Of course, it is quite near the other newest chicken place in town.  I think that someday, Guatemala will run out of chicken!

Tomorrow, we go to Mactzul VI for clinics and a home visit!

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