Friday, September 14, 2012

Preparation of Independance Day, Guatemala

We will hold off on clinics today and tomorrow as Guatemala celebrates their Independence Day.

Every country celebrates and participates in different types of activities.  Today, begins the parades and torch runners.  It is custom to throw bags or pails of water, not only on the runners but any moving object!  Even the tuk-tuks and buses get saturated.

Here, you can see the people on top of the arch, throwing water to the street below.

This family drenches a bus as it passes.  The bags from the water remain in the street from previous attacks.

Some runners carrying their torches  The guy following them is blowing his green whistle.

There will be more parades and picnics tomorrow...................a day of celebrating freedom!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Nice pic.!!!!! The blue banners above the arch are very pretty!!!!