Monday, May 3, 2010

Clinic with ASELSI

Today I went to clinic with ASELSI. They needed a translator for the day and I was glad to help.

We went to an area that was new to me. It was Chipaca and it was out toward Chuchipaca. There were 6-7 care providers so we were able to move through the patients at a pretty good speed.

These children were ready for us when we arrived at the school. There was one bus load and 3 vehicles of us.

These were the patients waiting in line at the school. We saw 150 patients during the day. There was a variety of patients to be seen. I worked with Angela and her specialty is dermatology.

This patient has basal cell carcinoma. Angela said this was the largest one that she has seen and the lady said she has only had it for one year. We connected her with a surgical consult.

When we finished for the day, we returned to the vehicles. Cathy, unfortunately, had a flat tire......and let me tell you, it was really flat. The guys quickly changed the tire and we were on our return trip to Chichi.

The group will return to this area tomorrow and they have hopes of seeing 250 patients tomorrow.

I will have our clinic in Mactzul 6 with our guys.

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