Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday in Xela and molding chocolate

Class went well and I am up to about 20 tenses. I am still not sure how I will use all of them but there are still a few to go and Gerson thinks I am doing onward we go!

This afternoon we had a school trip to a local chocolate store. It was not quite what I had expected but I really enjoyed it! We entered a room where they were grinding and mixing chocolate and sugar. It smelled very good. Let me say, there are no safety regulations or sanitation regulations here.

This is one of the guys that took chocolate powder and poured it into the machine. After it went through the machine three times it was then ready to be packed.

These were the other two ladies that were working.

Two ladies brought in their chocolate beans to be ground. These were fresh beans so as they came out of the machine, the chocolate was very moist. Did I tell you how good it smelled in here??

When the chocolate is ready, they pack it tightly into plastic bowls to form a mold. The final product of chocolate weighs 15 pounds. Someone buys the large form of chocolate, divides it and sells in smaller portions to homes or stores.

We bought some chocolate to take back to the school and play with.

This is the guy from France that has been participating in the trips after classes.

This is Elvia from the school.

This was Elvia's first form of chocolate.

OK, when we first started molding our chocolate, Elvia gave us instructions. She showed us how to use our palms as we warmed the chocolate so it could be molded. The chocolate was to be molded with love since the ladies cook in Guatemala with love. She said if we have love it would flow from hearts, to our fingers into our creation. She told us to use our this was my first heart.

The chocolate has to dry over night so we will get to taste it in the morning.


Anonymous said...

Num, num! Now you're talking my language! Chocolate! And on your earlier post...I feel your pain regarding the depleted Diet Coke supply. Besides, we all know that if you wash your chocolate down with Diet Coke, it negates the calories, right?

Mom said...

Save your heart for me:):):)