First, it is great to have Lisa and Kemmel back with us!
Today we were in Pacaja Xesic and we had a good clinic. There were 15 medical patients, 9 dental patients and 10 patients for dental cleaning. It seemed to be warmer than usual in Xesic but the warmth did not bother this poinsettia tree.

We will leave Santa Cruz at 0730 in the morning and head to Mactzul VI. Hopefully we will have several patients for both medical and dental consults.
Thanks for reading again and being patient with the computer. I will be posting some photos of the children one week after their cleft lips were repaired.
We are soooo happy to see you back!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas, Sheri....every day is Christmas, you know...
Merry Christmas, Sheri....every day is Christmas, you know...
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