Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Class and celebrating Katy's moms birthday!

Today was an education day for all of the Health Care Promoters from the different communities. About 20 people attended and the class was on injections. Many, many patients always ask for injections and the promoters need to know how to handle these questions and to know when injections are appropriate.

After Josefina discussed Chapter 9 from the book, Donde no Hay Doctor, everyone practiced with syringes and water injecting oranges. They would fill a syringe then I would tell them how much medicine they needed for their patient. They would then show the correct amount with no air in the syringe and then inject the orange.

We met before class this morning with Kemmel to prepare for next week when the group from Pepperdine University will be here. Most days there will be two separate clinics including both medical and dental services.

For dinner tonight, Katy and I tried a new restaurant near the park in Santa Cruz. We celebrated her moms birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY!! I offered to let Katy sing and produce a video but she declined :( I think her second career will be a tuk-tuk driver!!
It was a good day.........I think everyone enjoyed the class, Kemmel was able to visit us and then safely return to The City, we planned for Pepperdine, we found cake and celebrated Becky's birthday and all of us had safe travels.........Gracias a Dios!!

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