Thursday, January 17, 2019

Guatemala or Alaska?

The last few days in Chichicastenango have been very cold.  Did I say VERY??

This morning, Manuel picked me up and we went to Chichi to have clinic in the church building there.  We had 18 medical patients and it mainly was a diabetic clinic.  It has been quite awhile since I have seen such high glucose readings.  Possibly some is due to the holidays but I do not think so.  Some have not been to clinic for several months.  Did I say SEVERAL??

For lunch, we all ran to a nearby restaurant.  I could not drink my coffee fast enough to get warm. The others had hot chocolate or hot tea.  It was a good lunch with grilled steak, salad and rice.  It had a grilled onion on the side and it reminded me of when JoLee came to visit us in about 2008 or 2009.

I was living in Quiche and often I ate at a house where they grilled steak on the street.  We both enjoy the grilled onion that they usually put on the side of the plate so we ran to the market and bought several of them.  The lady who owned the house was very kind and grilled them for us.  They had flavorful chili and salsa and we were just as content as we could be!

This is Andrea, as she was trying to stay warm though lunch! Andrea loves her hot chocolate made with milk.

We had a good day but it was nice to get home and be a little warmer.

Tomorrow, we will head out to Mactzul I.  I will have clinic with Aura and Martina and Tomas.  We will have another day of competition.......will the winner be medical or dental??  We shall see..........


Mom said...

I remember having those grilled steaks. They were soooo good!!!! I wonder if she is still there?

Sheri said...

Yes Mom! She still is open. I think her daughter does the grilling now since I have not seen her for many years.

Anonymous said...

Remember the little girl that was with her one night? I wonder if that is the lady doing it now? It certainly could be. My, how the years go by!!!!!