Monday, July 13, 2015

Babies are ready for August!

Several families brought their babies to Lemoa today, in hope of having surgery in August.  A few still need to gain a little weight so they will be reevaluated for February 2016. That sounds like a long wait but it will pass quickly  I know the parents are disappointed but we want to make sure the babies are strong enough for surgery. They know that they can return to the clinic, if at any time they have questions.

This is Angel and he will be going with us.  He had his lip surgery last year in Guatemala city.  Now it is time for his palate repair.  He is a patient at ASELSI, here in Chichi and his surgery will be sponsored by Kory. Angel is almost 2 years old and is a serious baby. He wants to think more about this surgery before he commits :)

This is Estafany when I met her last November.  At that point, she was not old enough but the next photo is of Estafany yesterday.

She is a mover!  It is not the best photo but I will have opportunity to take better ones.  She is now nine months old and ready to go. Her surgery will be sponsored by Donna.

This is Brandon and his surgery will be sponsored by Jeanie.  Brandon is nine months old and loves to play.

We had another baby yesterday that came with some questionable lab work. His parents will repeat the labs and see Lisa early on Thursday.  Please pray for Elias that when Lisa sees him, all will be well.

This is a patient that we have been following for several months, Sofia. To the right of  Sofia are Jeydi and Gloria.

Sofia came to see us with severe respiratory problems.  Every breath was a struggle and it was difficult to watch. She previously had a bronchoscopy done which showed a rare illness.  Her trachea had narrowed and was told that she was at a high risk for surgery. We started her on medicine and saw some improvement in the first week. After two months of treatment, she went for a repeat bronchoscopy.  Two weeks ago, I received an email saying that they had taken her to surgery and that it was a success! The surgeon told her that he had never seen anyone do so well!! We were all very happy to see her.

Jeydi, works for Solomon's Porch in Panajachel.  She traveled today with the patients.

Gloria, is Sofia's mom.  She is very excited with Sofia's situation and wanted to check out what is happening in Lemoa.

We are so thankful for the babies that will be able to have surgery, for those that sponsor the surgeries and for Sofia and her improvement.  Thanks to ASELSI and Solomon's Porch that help with transportation and financial assistance.  Please pray for the surgical team that will arrive on August 1st and the Guatemalan team that is preparing for the week.

I will keep you posted as the surgeries take place

1 comment:

Gwendolyn Schnell said...

Wow! what an exciting account of what is going on these days! I cannot believe how much we tend to take for granted here in the States. Our health care for one. So happy for so many!