Thursday, April 18, 2013

Water Filters in Mactzul V

Several of us met in Mactzul V today to deliver water filter replacements.  It is time for the replacements to be delivered.

We had four teams to deliver about 35filters.  My partner was Franciso.

Our first house, was the home of Jeronimo.  Many have heard the story of Jeronimo, and quite a story it is.  He had a family member that was coming to our clinics at the Church of Christ in Mactzul V.

Lisa was the physician that was attending his family.  To make a long story short..........he was very pleased at what he saw and could not understand why people would show this kind of love.  He was a Mayan Priest and was held in very high standing in his community.  What he saw, started to prevent him from sleeping.  He wanted to know more about Christ, even though it conflicted with how he practiced as a Mayan Priest.  The members of the church started visiting him and he was baptized.  What a testimony to show how the gospel can change lives and how important the actions of Christians are!

When we finished delivering the filters, we were all invited to lunch in the home of Tomas.  This is Laura, mastering the art of tortilla making.  She did a great job!  Juana is Tomas' wife and she is such a special lady.

Laura is here this week with Clay, who is doing the classes in Lemoa.

This is the soup that we enjoyed.  We started out with a bowl of broth, then we added to it rice, carrots, corn, squash and beef.  We all joked about how the bowl of soup continue to grow, even though we were was wonderful!!

We enjoyed dinner together.

Tomorrow, some of us will head to Mactzul V again for clinic.  Lisa and Kemmel will travel to Antigua with a group and then on to the airport Saturday.  We pray that everyone has safe travels!!

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