Thursday, March 8, 2012

Harding meets Paxot II

Today, Harding went with us to Paxot II. It was an ABC Clinic and we saw 46 ABC Children.

Soaking up the sun between patients.

Distributing meds after the dental and medical consults.

Taking a break before the crowd really arrived.

Maria and Josefina between the dental patients.

The ladies worked in the kitchen preparing our lunch for us. We had fried chicken and many said it was the best fried chicken that they had had so far. Kemmel and I really rated the chili high!

The dental crew working hard!

The main group of students arrived after lunch.

Weight, height pulses and temperatures are recorded on the children. This way we can be assured that the children are growing as they should be.

Manuel watching as we examine his son. "Take a deep breath, please!"

Tonight will be our last dinner in Santo Tomas. Tomorrow we will head to Antigua for a relaxing day!

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