Juan, Gaspar, Allison and I went to Chutzurob today for clinic. Allison is a PA intern that will be with us for a few weeks. She was a MET Student a few years ago and decided that she wanted to come back for some more of Guatemala.
We were a little concerned with the road as we approached Chutzurob due to the rain. Sebastian met us early in the road and showed us where we could park the truck. It was a hike down to the church but not too bad at all.
We had 14 patients and a good clinic.
One lady had lost her baby 3 days ago. She said that he had not been sick but was afraid that her cough had killed her baby. Well, the last thing I would ever want to do is cause a mother, who is already grieving, to feel guilty over her baby's death. We talked for quite a while and her cough had nothing to do with what unfortuately had happened. I think that she may return to visit the congregation in Chutzurob. She was clarifiying their worship times so maybe she will do that. The members of the congregation will be able to offer her the support she needs at this time.
We saw one lady who has developed a small bump on her forehead. It is about the size of an egg and is right between her eyes. It is not the place you would want a bump to form. I hope that she will go to the hospital in Solola, due where it is and at the rate that it is growing.
I introduced you to Sebastian Elias last month. Here he is now, one month old with his mom and aunt. Gloria and Angelica are always at the clinic to help us, as well as their father, Sebastian.
We arrived home without any problems...............and we are always thankful for that.
Tomorrow, Juan and I will go to Xepol for clinic.
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