Friday, September 17, 2010

Clinic in Paxot

Gaspar and I made our way to Paxot today for clinic.

One the way, he told me about a young girl who is in the hospital with meningitis. He had seen her a few days ago and encouraged the parents to go to the hospital in Santa Cruz. When he talked to the parents last night, he was told that the girl can only move one hand. We will try to find a day to go and visit.

We had 10 patients and Gaspar had 3 dental cleaning.

For lunch we went into the kitchen area and had soup with tamalitos. Everything was very good.
Manuel's daughter, Roxanne, was eating lunch with us. I asked her how old she was. Very confidently, she answered me, "Twenty-four." Her mother and grandmother laughed and were still talking about it as we were leaving.

Here is Manuel's dad and Roxanne.

Roxanne is sweet and has lots of personality.

OK, it is the weekend........................................I am sure I will find something to keep me busy :)

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