Thursday, September 30, 2010
Clinic in Lemoa, Jessica and more rain!
Yesterday in Chichi, it rained for 15 hours straight and hard. The river is out of the bed again in Sepela. There is a huge mudslide near the clinic but at least one lane of traffic remains open. The guys did not have any problem coming from Paxot or Xepocol, so I am thankful for that.
Paxot II was having a special class today taught by Martin from Choacaman IV. He called early this morning and asked if Juan could drive him home from Paxot after the meeting since the trucks are not running after 4pm today. Juan said he wanted to and Gaspar offered to ride with them.
We finished seeing the few patients we had about 1 pm and then went to the hospital to see Jessica. She has been moved out of the intensive care area and is in the ward. She is moving her hands and her mouth some. She has developed a small ulcer on the back of the head from not being repositioned or turned regularly. Juan and I showed the family some exercises they can do with her. I encouraged them to continue to talk to her.
Jessica has a long way to go but our prayers are with her. I do not feel very good about the outcome but we will see. We prayed with her father before we left and that is all we can do at this time.
Juan and Gaspar headed to Paxot to get Martin. I asked them if they wanted me to ride along but they said they would be fine. At 8:30 tonight, Juan called me. He said there were many, many mudslides and fallen trees in the road. It had taken them 4 hours to drive to Paxot, which is usually a 45 minute drive. Martin had remained in Paxot and did not make it home. I am just so thankful they are safe.
Juan also told me about Francisco, who live is Patzite. He helps us with some of our clinics. He owns a small store and half of the store was destroyed by a mudslide. He asked that we remember Francisco in our prayers.
The clinic has been cancelled for tomorrow in Chuchuca due to the roads.
We will continue to pray that the rains slow down and there is no more damage. Thank you for your thoughts and emails.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
What a clinic in Chuguexa!
When we arrived, we had patients waiting. This is unusual in Chuguexa but it was great! We eventually saw 18 patients and it was a good clinic.
A lady came to the clinic and she had just given birth 17 days before. I asked her how her baby was and she told me that she is going real well. As we were getting ready to pray, I asked her the name of her baby. She bowed her head and at first I thought she did not hear me. Again, I asked her the name of the baby. She laughed a little and then said, "I do not remember her name." She thought real hard for a few seconds and then said, "It is Rebecca. Rebecca is her name!"
The guys and I talked about going to the hospital tomorrow and visiting Jessica again. We will see how clinic goes tomorrow in Lemoa.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Clinic in Mactzul I
Juan welcomed the patients and we began the day as always, praying with the patients. We saw 8 medical patients, 18 dental patients and 3 patients for dental cleaning.
This mother brought her baby for a wellness check and everything was fine.....gracias a Dios.

Later in the afternoon, the mother returned with her daughter and her hand was full of infection. I cleaned the hand and then lanced the wound. I removed as much of the infection that I could. I gave her some cream to use and also an antibiotic.
The afternoon rains have begun again...............we will see what happens tomorrow.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I went to Santa Cruz to see Madgna and she was very sad. She told me that her brother died a few weeks ago. I had been by her house to see her twice but she was not at home. I am very sad for her. We sat in her kitchen and had a cup of coffee and talked for a while. I told what day I would be back so she will have something to look forward to.
After I left her house, I went to the hospital to look for Jessica's dad. I would have enjoyed walking to the hospital but it looked as if it would start raining at any moment. I walked around the hospital grounds three times and was unable to find him. Usually, I do not have trouble finding people since they find me first. I kind of stick out........for obvious reasons :)
I finally got back to Chichi before the heavy rain started............
Tomorrow, we will have clinic in Mactzul I and I am sure we will have an adventure!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday in Chichi........
A few months ago a group of us read the book, Crazy Love. I really enjoyed the book so I am reading it a second time.
It is not a book that you just read cover to cover but as you read, you need time to think and let parts of it digest.
I like the book because it asks hard questions about our faith and how personally we take the teachings of Christ. For me, hard questions are good. Yes, they can cause you to be uncomfortable at times but that is one way you can grow spiritually. If you do not like answers to the questions, what better time to change than now?
In one of the chapters, Francis Chan talks about being lukewarm. I always think of the warning that was given to the Church of Laodicea in Revelation, chapter 3. It is obvious that being lukewarm was not a characteristic that pleased God nor is it today.
So, then the questions begin. Are there ways in my Christian life that I am lukewarm? If so, how? How can I change? Is there more to being a Christian than just attending church on Sundays?
Am I lukewarm in my giving? My giving not only of money but also of whatever someone needs. Nothing in this world is ours.
Are there things in my life that are more important to me than my relationship to God? Do things get in the way of my service?
Do we compare our life to others and think we are ok, when really we should be striving to be as Christ. Can people really see the difference in how we live?
Everyone has struggles and we were never promised the Christan life would be easy. David had struggles, loneliness and fears.......but when he penned these words, they did not come from a lukewarm heart............
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Matthew in Chuchipaca
One man came and said that his wife has developed a real bad allergy and could not walk. He asked us to visit her in their home. When we saw all of the patients that were waiting, we drove to their house.
The lady was covered with red bumps and was swollen from head to toe. She was miserable with itching and not able to be comfortable. She said that she had not eaten anything different or had not used anything different. It reminded me of Victor, out little guy in Xepol.
The neighborhood had gathered around the house because they had heard we were there. When we returned to the clinic, we brought a few people with us.
Gaspar had asked for hot chocolate for us and when we returned, it was ready. It was hot and delicious. I had bought some bread so we enjoyed that for a few minutes before seeing the last few patients.
We ended up with 10 patients for the day, including the one home-visit.
Juan had heard the "taxi trucks" were not going to run in the afternoon due to the heavy rain. I told them I would drive them home but when we arrived in Chichi, the rain was not hard and the trucks were running.
When I arrived home, Tomasita told me about the lemon tree that had fallen in the yard. I told her that I had heard a loud crash last night but did not know what it was. The lemon tree just fell over and I am glad there was nothing under it since it is so large.
That concludes the week. Tomorrow, I will drive out to Xepocol and take Gaspar some things he needs for a class he is doing on Monday. I will stay for their worship and then return home in the afternoon.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The last two days..............
I first told you about the little girl in the hospital with meningitis. Her name is Jessica. She was taken to The City yesterday for different exams. The guys and I went to Santa Cruz today after clinic to talk to her dad. Well, she has a lot of blood around one side of the brain, from what Gaspar and Juan understood. I went in and talked to the nurses and they did not have anything different to say.
The situation is terrible and very sad. We stood by her bed a few minutes and it is a hopeless feeling. The father is sleeping on a floor in a waiting room and has not been able to work for two weeks. The mother is unable to visit because she is caring for the other members of the family at home. We gave him some money so he could buy some food. We will go and visit again in a few days.
Last night after I returned home, Juan called me about his wife's aunt. She is also in the same hospital after having surgery. She miscarried at home and had to be taken to the hospital for surgery. After a patient has surgery, they need to replenish the blood bank so the family is looking for doners.
I went to get Juan and we drove to Quiche so I could give blood. I did not know I needed my passport so I returned today to donate. I am the same blood type as the patient but my WBC is a little low so they would not let me donate. We were all so disappointed!
A little boy was brought to clinic by his parents today. His parents brought him because his feet and hands are swollen. When I examined him, I almost cried. He is 1yr and 7 months and only weighs 17.5 pounds. He is very lethargic, pale and barely moves. The parents said he has been this way for a week. After I listened to his heart and lungs, I turned around and when I turned back, I thought he had died. He is severly dehydrated and basically is starving. I talked to the family about going to the hospital with us after clinic. I could tell that they did not like the idea but said they would think about it. Juan also went to talk to them. We waited for them after clinic but they did not return.
It was just two days that you want to live over and maybe do something different.........but I don't know what.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Clinic in Xepocol and follow up with patient
We had many patients with colds and cough......not unusal for this time of the year. This family came for that reason and they had a newborn with them for the ride............ This is 3-week old baby Quino. He was very content hanging with us.
When we had about four patients left, Gaspar said he wanted to talk to me. I mentioned on Friday a little girl had meningitis and we wanted to visit her and the family. Well, the dad came to visit us today at clinic. The physician in Santa Cruz said the little girl needs to go to Guatemala City for some exams but the family does not not have the money. They were told she may die even if she has them but without them, she will die for sure.
Gaspar had some things he needed to do with the ABC families this afternoon so Juan and I drove the little girl's dad back to Santa Cruz. We talked to the nurses and respiratory therapist in the unit. The little girl will to to Guatemala City tomorrow afternoon for the exams. Please remember her in your prayers and that the results will be in her favor.
Please, also remember Josefina Marcos and the Lux family. Their grandmother died late last night. I know this is a difficult time for them and they would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
With the changes in the clinic schedule tomorrow, it gives us some opportunity to get some other things done. Manuel and Juan will work at the clinic and get the lawn mowed. The grass is real tall due to the heavy rain we have had. I will take Gaspar, Maury and Martina with me and hopefully, we will have a full clinic in Mactzul VI.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I am going to be a shepherdess!
I walked home after lunch and saw my local shepherdess friends. I walked out into the field to talk to them. They now have 18 sheep and the youngest one is 15 months. I have been slowly working my nerve up to asking the older lady if I could spend one day with her. Well, today I mentioned it and she told me that I would go any day I wanted to!! HA, I have to get me some shepherdness clothes :) I will fill you in on the details after I spend a day with them.
This evening, Tomasita knocked on my door and she had some flowers for me! I invited her in as I was trying to find a place for them. I placed them on the book shelves but she thought the table was better..........and it is. Aren't they pretty??

Saturday, September 18, 2010
Chillin' on Saturday
This hummingbird was enjoying his day, as I was enjoying mine.

Friday, September 17, 2010
Clinic in Paxot
One the way, he told me about a young girl who is in the hospital with meningitis. He had seen her a few days ago and encouraged the parents to go to the hospital in Santa Cruz. When he talked to the parents last night, he was told that the girl can only move one hand. We will try to find a day to go and visit.
We had 10 patients and Gaspar had 3 dental cleaning.
For lunch we went into the kitchen area and had soup with tamalitos. Everything was very good.
Manuel's daughter, Roxanne, was eating lunch with us. I asked her how old she was. Very confidently, she answered me, "Twenty-four." Her mother and grandmother laughed and were still talking about it as we were leaving.
Here is Manuel's dad and Roxanne.

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Lemoa and Victor
Gaspar told me that he had received a call from Tomas in Xepol about Victor. You may remember that Victor is a young boy that we met about 2 months ago that was having seizures every day and hitting people. Because of his seizures and behavioral problems, he is not able to attend school. Since he has been coming to clinics, his seizures are better controlled and so his behavior.
Tomas told Gaspar that Victor had developed allergies, had a fever, could not talk, had quit taking his medicine and that he was having seizures every 5 minutes. My heart sunk.
We had 11 patients today in clinic.
This little girl was burnt very badly a few years ago in her kitchen by boiling water. Josefina and I met her in her home as we were visiting her grandfather a couple of years ago. At that time, her grandfather was in his mid 40s and blind due to double cataracts. He was unable to leave his bed. He had both cataracts removed in Clinic Ezell and now is enjoying life!

The guys and I just felt like we needed to go to Xepol to see Victor and his mom. We worked through lunch and at 1 PM left for Xepol. I was preoccupied during the drive, concerned what Victor's family would say and I was also praying for no afternoon rain.
We asked a lady that owns a store to watch the truck as we walked to the church. She was happy to help and let us park it close to her house, out of the road. This way, if we did have rain, we would not have problems returning home.
Victor looked so sick and sad. I kept thinking of the last time we had seen him. He had talked with me and had even smiled at Gaspar. When he left clinic, he shook our hands and thanked us. Today, he was staring at the floor again and would not talk.
Yes, had developed a rash and fever about 4 days ago and his mom had taken him to the health department. They had stopped his seizure medicine for 2 days, since they were scared. But much of what we heard, we did not find so I felt better about the situation.
His mom and his grandmother wanted to continue the seizure medicine but were scared and must needed reassurance. I had never met the other family members and thought there might be some opposition but there was not. His mom pulled out the sheet of paper that she uses to keep track of his seizures and for this month and he had only 2 seizures!
We just have to get through this. His mom said he had not eaten anything different or had been anywhere different. He had not changed soap. I did not see any bug bits. No one else in the house had it. We gave his mom some allergy medicine and then we all knelt to pray. We encouraged the family to visit the church and they will also pray for Victor.
Lisa will see Victor in October and I will be looking forward to hearing how he is doing.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Happy Independence Day!

In the evening the rain started but the fireworks went on..............all through the night.
Tomorrow, we will have clinic in Lemoa and let's hope that the people are not too tired to come to clinic
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Parades and Chutzurob......
When we arrived in Chutzurob, there were more patients waiting than I thought there would be........and that is always exciting for me. Dental had 10 patients for the day and medical had 15 patients.
Even though I have been here almost 4 years, there are many things that continue to touch me. I remember when we first started talking about having clinics in Chutzurob, there was uncertainty on whether the congregation would support having the clinic in the "house of prayer." They decided that it would be all right and the support from the congregation has stayed strong, making it a successful clinic.
Today, Sebastian went to get a 10 year old girl that had been sick for only 2 days. He did not go and pick her up in his car but he went to her home, placed her in a chair and carried her to clinic on his back. What stronger expression of love and concern is there than that?
The girls temperature was 102.4 and the staff was very concerned for her. She had pneumonia and we gave her several different medicines.
The act of Sebastian was one of kindness and Christ-like. It was an example of how Christ washed the feet of his disciples, even when He knew they would betray him.
This is the group that often helps with clinic. Sebastian is in the yellow HTI shirt.

Monday, September 13, 2010
Another Monday in Caris.............
Diabetics here are a challenge.....they may or may not return for their next visit, may opt not to watch their diet or they may just decided to take as many pills during the day they want for their diabetes. One gentleman returned today needing more medicine, while he should have had enough to last two months. He knew he was only suppose to take it twice a day but said he took it 3-4 times a day, depending on how much energy he needed.
A little girl came in that has had 22 surgeries. Her mother did not bring a lot of information but from what I could tell, since birth she has had problems with her kidneys. Her abdomen was covered with surgical scars. She now had a bag that collects her urine but she is full of energy and will return to school in January.
A little boy had the mumps.............he was definitely a little chipmunk!
The neighbors had invited us last week to have lunch today with them for a celebration. I asked several people through the day what the celebration was for, and no one knew.......but it was some celebration! Music played all day and the path of visitors was busy.
This is our group as we walked through the corn field to the party!

Tomorrow we will go to Chutzurob...............another day and another adventure!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Visiting freinds in Antigua
Barbara was going to return to Chichi with me but we felt it safe due to the weather and the pending storms that she return home with the group. I am disapointed and when I told Tomasita, she was also disapointed. But there will be another time...... and the welcome mat will remain in front of the apartment!
I will not mention everyone's name becuause I know I will miss someone but it was great spending time with the group. Many, I had not seen since last year and some I met for the first time..........Carl!!
So, it was a nice time...............and then it was time to return home. On the way back, this was a mudslide that closed both lanes on the right side. You really have to stay alert because most of the way, two lanes are closed and they are not always marked well. Many water lines are still busted and the flowing water is not helping the situaton.

Friday, September 10, 2010
Clinics in Caris and Choacaman
Yesterday in Caris we had 10 patients and in Choacaman we had only 4 patients.
As you are aware, we have had a lot of rain for the last few weeks as you are aware. There have been a lot of mudslides, deaths and we have had to alter some of our activities. I was suppose to go to the coast last Saturday but because of the highway, was unable to go. If we do not have anymore rain, I will go to Antigua and visit with the team before they return to The States in the morning.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Clinic in Zacualpa
We had 20 medical patients.
One patient bought us ears of corn as gifts. I did not know they were already cooked so when I saw the guys eating them, I thought that they must really be hungry!!
We did not have any rain until I started to park the truck........then the downpour started!! Well, it gave my neighbors something to laugh at.
Tomorrow, we will have clinic in Caris.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Class and Culture...........
Diet is a popular topic here. Most patients eventually ask about their diet before they leave the consult. I think the information will be well received and the families will enjoy the class.
Today, Juan had a special "thank you" lunch in his house and Gaspar and I were invited. It was primarily for the elders of the church to express their gratitude during the birth of their child. Aury did have a C-section and she is doing well. I think today was the day they announced the name of the child because before today, we were told that they did not know. So when the elders asked his name, we found out that is Levi Lisandro Tomas Quino Salvador. I am so excited for them. Juan is very attentive to both Levi and Aury.
When we first arrived in the house, Gaspar and I were seated in the room we would have lunch. There were pine needles on the floor and the scent was wonderful. The room is full of photos so Gaspar and I reminisced as we looked at the photos that had been taken over the last few years.
As the elders of the church arrived, we were offered hot chocolate and bread. I have to admit, this afternoon I felt a little awkward and I am not sure why. Usually, I do not feel odd at all but today was different.
I knew that we would probably have a large lunch so I did not want both pieces of my bread. I asked Gaspar if he wanted one and he declined. I asked the gentleman to my left he would like one piece of bread and he said, "Thank you, sister!" as he placed it in his coat to take home and eat later.
When everyone arrived, Juan thanked each of us for being present. As Juan talked, I thought about the photos on the wall of Juan 2-3 years ago and how much he has changed. He has really matured and his focus is totally different, as it should he. Aury, Levi and Juan's parents were the last to enter the room. Each of the elders spoke for a few minutes. Each had something to say to Juan and Aury about being parents and their responsibilities. Much of it was in Kiche' and I did not understand it all. After the final prayer, I was left with the elders and we were served lunch.
What a large lunch it was! When the plate came out, I knew I would not be able to eat it all. We had a bowl of some type of thick orange sauce and another plate of meat and vegetables. We dipped the vegetables in the sauce and it was delicious. Of course there were 8 plates of tamalitos! Each of us were given almost a whole side of was huge. So, when most people stopped eating their vegetables and a few tamalitos, they did not eat their meat.......then I understood why.
People started wrapping their meat to take it home. Juan's dad came in with some plastic bags while others came prepared and pulled out their "take home bag" from their coats. After they had placed the meat in the bag, they poured the remains of the sauce in the bag.
It was an afternoon that will remain with me for a long time. I am really appreciative that Juan invited us. It is events like this that are special. I did not get any photos of Levi. He was not really shown to people and was removed from the room so quickly.
Tomorrow we go to Zacualpa. We will leave Chichi at 0730 and pray for safe travels.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Enjoying the sun........
While we were waiting for our lunch to arrive, we took advantage of the sun. Maury said, "Sheri you can't take this photo! They will think we are lazy!" I assured them that it was problem as we were waiting for our lunch. Yes, we did enjoy our typical lunch at the clinic which was an egg, tortillas and chili :) and of course, diet coke!
Tomas, Manuel and Juan Rafael went to the coast to help out during the surgical week there. It took them 6.5 hours since they had to go up through Xela. They did run into some mudslides which we expected. We are thankful that everyone is safe and doing well.
It continues to rain at the coast and we hope that it quits before Friday as that is when the groups leaves for Antigua.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Rain and devestation
There have been over 38 deaths so far due to the heavy rain and mudslides. I talked to Marie at the coast this evening and they are fine. They arrived to the clinic with having to take some detours but all is well.
I appreciate all of the emails I have received asking if we are ok. Yes, we are ok and we really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. From the information on the hurricane center, we still may have a few more days of the heavy rain.
This is a photo after one of the major mudslides. It is the main highway from Guatemala City to the highlands.......near Tecpan.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Rain for over 24 hours
The rain did not stop at all last night. Not at all. It was difficult to sleep. It reminded me of when Agatha came through and the rain lasted for 4 day and nights.
I have been watching the Weather Center for hurricanes and tropical depressions. It looks as if more storms are brewing out there. We will pray for the best.
The group arrives in Montellano this afternoon. Please pray for their safety and the patients that will trust their care. I am sure they will have a great week!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Rain and more rain
It rained almost through the entire night but stopped early this morning. At Maury, Martina and I were making our way up a small hill the truck decided to have a mind of it's own and started to slide back down the hill. The girls squealed, "Sheri!" It is the first time I have ever heard them squeal!!
I remained calm and was just thankful the truck stopped when it did. The mud here is slick and you do not have any traction on it. Once we stopped, I just sat there for a minute for a Gracias a Dios and to sure they were ok. Quickly, they said, "We know another way!" We finished backing down the hill and then went on to Mactzul.
Maury and Juan Rafael unloading the medicine. Juan is a medical student and for a few weeks will be working with us.

We had a few children today from the ABC Program. Many people have colds and low grade fevers.
One lady brought her mother because she has trouble sleeping. The longer we talked, she told us about her sons and husband drinking heavily and she is afraid for them being outside in the rain or afraid they will fall down the embankments. Her daughter is a member of the church in Mactzul but she is not.The mother told us that she has been thinking about being baptized but is afraid of water. We talked about that for quite a while and then prayed with her.
The girls and I talked more about this on our way home. We talked about how blessed we are to have mothers that are Christians. Many, many people are not this fortunate. Many people do not think baptism is important and yet there are so many examples in the New Testament of people being baptized. To suggest there is another way, without biblical proof, is not something we can do.
We must be buried though baptism to have that new life. Romans 6:3-4------Don't you know that all of us who were baptized to Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may have a new life.
Paul goes on to talk about how we are then united with Christ and the freedom we have in Christ. But, our freedom is not to think of other way that we can attain salvation.
I called Victor, they guy that we use when we take the babies to the coast to get a road update. He said that the road to the coast was closed and the river was rising. Because if this, I will opt to stay in Chichi for the weekend. I am disappointed but I will see the group on Friday in Antigua.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Clinic in Lemoa
We started our morning with prayer and we remembered everyone that is traveling or will be next week........................Lisa, Kemmel, Tomas, Manuel, Juan Rafael and the team coming coming next week with Marie.
It was a shorter day since we only had 18 consults. We have been having larger numbers but you just never know. There were no patients for dental cleaning.
After we finished seeing the patients, Tomas and I needed to go to Kemmel and Lisa's to get a truck. The guys will be going to the surgical clinic in Montellao on Monday. Gaspar rode along with us. They decided they wanted to go and get chicken for lunch and I decided to return to the clinic and finish preparing for next week.
By the time I left the clinic, I could tell the rains would start at any moment. When I arrived at Lisa and Kemmel's I just sat in the truck and laughed because I knew it was not going to stop any time soon. I covered the truck and then ran to the little store. Lucita chuckled at me since I was drenched and I am sure the site was humerous.
Inside for a hot shower..........and inside I will stay.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Happy September!!

Last night I had dinner with with Lisa and Kemmel. I had a burger and fries and it was really good. They are almost packed and really looking forward to their vacation. They will head to The City tomorrow after their clinic.
On the drive to Chuguexa today, Gaspar and I caught up on things. His wife's mother has been real sick and is in the hospital. Hopefully, she will regain her strength and return home soon. He told me about a sermon that he will be preaching this afternoon................I will tell you more about that another time.
He also told me that Sergio's dad called him last night at home. He said that he is impressed by the work of Health Talents and wants so hear more about it and also about the Church of Christ. He asked Gaspar if we would think about having a clinic in Xeabaj, where they live. This is something that I would also enjoy doing but we will need to wait until October. He is a leader in the community and with him helping us, we might be able to make an impact. We will see.......
We had a small clinic of 8 patients. They have been announcing the clinic but there are now some other clinics and physicians in the area. They have even announced on the radio but the response has not been the best.
People are getting ready for the Independence Day celebration. The tuk-tuks have attached flags and the banners are flying. It will be an exciting month before the fifteenth.
I talked to Josefina a little this afternoon and she said that she is getting better.
OK, tomorrow we will have clinic in Lemoa.