Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Clinic in Chuguexa

Juan, Gaspar and I went to Chuguexa for our clinic there. As we were unloading the truck, I saw a whole line of people walking down the road and I got so excited! Yes, we have patients!! Well, we did have patients but only seven. We were told the crowd was going to a community meeting about their water. Needless to say, I was disappointed.

This father needed a consult today and his son needed his dad :)

My name was not, "Grace Sheri" today. I fell twice on the hill leading to our clinic. The dirt is packed hard and with the rain, it is like ice. I was fine but I hate it when the guys get worried about me. I need to put some nails in my boots for traction :)

We had heavy rains driving home this afternoon with even some hail hitting the windshields. We arrived home safe and we are always thankful for that.

Tomorrow we have clinic in Lemoa. Last week a lady was selling atole de elote outside the clinic. You can be sure I will look for her tomorrow!

Please remember Juan in your prayers. His grandmother died yesterday and it was unexpected. I know his family will have a difficult time. Thank you.

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