Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pat and Al meet Chutzurob

We had two truck loads today for Chutzurob. We had a great clinic with 21 medical patients and 3 patients for dental cleaning. We saw a wide variety of patients. We were told that there were 4 baptisms last week and we are excited for the growth of The Church and for those added souls.

This is Pat and Al in front of the house of prayer.

As we left clinic, we stopped to buy some cokes and had a picnic. Lisa was prepared and brought us lunch which we greatly appreciated.

As we progressed toward Chichi, there was some road construction and who knows what else was blocking traffic........sometimes it is an unsolved mystery as to what brings the traffic to a halt.

As you can see, the traffic has been stopped and it was a long line. Lisa and the guys are in a truck ahead of the red Toyota. You can barely see a guy in a red shirt up on the left bank after the hairpin turn......

We will have clinic tomorrow in Xepol. It will be our second clinic there. Our first clinic there was in March with the Pepperdine students.

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