Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Clinic in Xepocol

We had clinic today in Xepocol and we had a great clinic. We had 32 patients and I think everyone of them had a cough and fever.

Gaspar's mom, who is a comadrona or midwife, brought 4 of her patients today for a consult. It was interesting watching her before we prayed with the patients this morning. You could tell that the ladies in the community respect and listen to her. She would go from one to another and talk to them, pat them on the shoulder and then talk to their children. It made me think Paul writing to Titus in chapter 2. He says that the older women are to train the younger women to love their husbands and children......and he goes on with other instructions. Family ties here are important and it is very refreshing.

Last month when we had clinic in Xepocol, Lisa made a home visit with some of the students. Since then, the patient they went to see has died. Some of the patients today are members of her family and they are struggling with her death. We talked to them about the importance of prayer and their relationship to God during times of need. Each patient has different problems, pains and needs. Our God is powerful and can provide the comfort that we need...........no matter the source of pain.

My internet service is working better tonight so I can post some photos.

This is Betsy and Mollie in Antigua when a procession was passing by.

Jane sent me this photo of our dinner a couple of weeks ago. Virginia works here in Chichi with ASELSI......and I am sure you recognize Lisa and Kemmel. Jane brought some new books that she has printed about Evelyn's Baskets of Love and Life. Yes, I have on a UNC shirt :)

Tomorrow we are heading to Mactzul VI..........another day and another adventure!

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